Nick Huemmer



Here's a list of my skills followwed by my career experience. Note that I have a lot of experience in the food industry. After a career transition, I'm working as a software engineer.


Programming LanguagesJavascript (ES6+), TypeScript, Python, YAML
Front End TechnologiesHTML5, CSS, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Sass, web APIs
Back End TechnologiesNode.js, Express.js
DatabasesPostgreSQL, NoSQL (MongoDB)
FrameworksReact, Redux, Next.js, Svelte, Astro
ToolsPostman, Docker, Webpack, Visx, D3.js, Babel, Pug, Testing (Jest, Mocha), Asana, Figma, VSCode, Jupyter Notebook, Git
Additional SkillsLeading Teams, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Interviewing, Chemical and Nutritional analysis.


Software Engineer

Open Source Labs

Reactime - Open Source Chrome developer tool for debugging and performance monitoring in React applications.

Software Developer

Open Source Product Contributions

Goal Keeper - Goal Tracker App

StyleGPT - AI-assisted tool for styling HTML elements


Health Coach and Personal Trainer

Self Employed | Helped middle-aged men lose weight and improve health-status


  • Built coaching business including web and social media presence, with greater than 250 followers.
  • Created nutritional guidance and exercise programs that built baseline strength and improved mobility and facilitated weight loss of greater than 25 lbs for all clients.

Senior Product Developer

Clif Bar | Product creation, formulation, optimization and commercialization


  • Created lab notebooks using Excel and Sharepoint, reducing formula development time by 30%.
  • Formulated products for improved nutrition and saved up to $2 million yearly through process optimizations.

Scientist II

Clorox | Product development for Hidden Valley Brand


  • Developed and facilitated commercialization and launch of salad kits for the Hidden Valley Brand, the largest product launch in 2013.
  • Led new product development initiative leading to five new products to fill innovation pipeline.

Product Application Technologist

Nestle | Product development for Pizza Division


  • Managed and led product development including timeline management, cost control, ingredient procurement, and leveraging supplier capabilities.
  • Collaborated with marketing, operations, and finance to deliver novel pizza products.


Kraft Foods | Product development for Spoonable and Pourable Dressings


  • Generated over $1M of productivity savings by managing raw material costs and factoring efficiencies into processes.


Codesmith Advanced Software Engineering Immersion | Resident

North Carolina State University | BS Biological Sciences, Food Science and Nutrition

The Ohio State University | MS Food Science


The Wild World of Front End Frameworks | Richmond, VA

Medium | "Reactime just keeps getting better."


  • Food (Health, Nutrition, Food Science)
  • Fitness
  • Rucking (with my dog and son at Pocahontas State Park)
  • Quality time with kids
  • Writing
  • Walking
  • Philosophy
  • Botanicals
  • Reading (Natural Science, Technology, Web, Machine Learning)